Happy Mother's Day.. a day late! I woke up to the girls coming in the room carry a gift. Chad got up with them and let me sleep in- Present #1. I love the days, I get to sleep in! Julia says, "Happy Mother's Day, mom!" Ava says, " I ooowe you." Which translates to "I love you." It couldn't have been more perfect! She has never said that before! How fitting on Mother's day of all days- Present #2.
Chad had my cup of coffee all ready for me, which was Present #3. He knows me so well. He took the girls the night before to find something to give me for Mother's Day. Julia tells me that she wanted to give me a new skirt, jewelry, high, high heels and a new shirt. They did pick out some new shoes, a heart necklace and a People magazine. Perfect! Present #4
When I opened the necklace, Julia says," I will always be in your heart." How sweet is that!!!! Present #5. I tried on the necklace and it choked me so I kept it on as long as I could before I just had to take it off. Julia was so proud that I was wearing it. It was so cute.
We got ready for the day and meet Debbie, Doug, Kyle and Laura for brunch. On the way there Julia tells us that we didn't even feed her breakfast and Ava is screaming for what Julia has. I was thinking, out of all the days, can this just stop for one day??!! At brunch, Ava was demanding to sit on my lap, which I allowed her to since I didn't want to make a scene as we did the weekend before in Pappasito's celebrating Chad and Laura's birthday. It was a mess!!
The girls were able to make their own pizzas, which was fun and glad they had something for them to do to keep them busy. The food was amazing and it was a great Mother's day treat.
We then came home for and sat outside to enjoy the day. Chad and the girls planted flowers, while I read my People. It was a perfect day.
Staci, my dear friend who has small kids like us, sat outside with me and we watched the kids play while we chatted about how our kids are acting up today. She said something that I thought was so true. She said she was speaking to someone at church who said, " I think the kids know it is Mother's day because they are acting up!" I had to laugh because for a short time yesterday, I was thinking the same thing.
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